The latest from the Science|Business Network

2024 in review and 2025 outlook

As the European Commission begins its new mandate, research and innovation (R&I) are expected to play a pivotal role in addressing Europe’s strategic challenges, including defence and security, competitiveness, AI and industrial decarbonisation. These priorities will shape key decisions on future EU policies, programmes and budgets, with direct implications for R&I organisations across sectors, both in Europe and around the world.

Over the past year, the Science|Business Network has served as a vital forum for navigating this fast-moving landscape. Here’s a look at what we’ve achieved and where we’re heading:

Throughout 2024, the Network provided a platform for strategic dialogue between industry, research and policy leaders on key R&I themes, from Framework Programme developments to global health cooperation and knowledge valorisation. These included expert roundtables, public conferences, and member-exclusive webinars that connected our members with decision-makers across the R&I policy spectrum. This focus will continue in 2025, with events designed to align with the EU’s major science and tech goals.

We also raised exclusivity for members on R&I funding intelligence. Before the summer, we launched our S|B Funding Newswire service – a weekly bulletin designed to help researchers and administrators navigate the labyrinths of EU and international research funding. With Network members alone getting free and unlimited access to the Newswire, we will work with you to ensure this reaches the maximum number of colleagues who would benefit from its content. 

During this period, the Network continued to expand with 20 new additions - including new multinational companies, first representatives from the US, Korea, Turkey and Bulgaria, and our first-ever NGO. Their addition reflects the growing value of R&I cooperation between Europe and the rest of the world as global challenges and geopolitical turbulence intensify. With several more institutions and organisations currently finalising agreements,
the Network’s community is poised for even greater impact in the year ahead.

If you like, you can always request a bespoke meeting with our Network membership team to explore what joining could mean for your organisation.

Industry partners

Academic members

Public organisations

Associations & Partnerships