The Widening

The Widening tracks R&D growth and challenges in central and eastern Europe, science and technology (S&T) investment opportunities in the region, and the people, policies and programmes behind it all. It targets R&D leadership – public and private – in central and eastern Europe, as well as those in Brussels and other western capitals eager to bridge the gap between east and west.

It fills a glaring hole in the media landscape, and provides a unique channel for R&D organisations operating in and across the region to gain visibility, create awareness, and connect through the Science|Business network.

Networking and information-sharing take place via a series of expert, high-level events, and through an active online community that will help innovation and R&D leaders to identify potential partners, and connect with them across central and eastern Europe and other parts of the world. Learn more about the Widening Network here

Sign up for the Widening LinkedIn group here:

“The Widening” is a product of Science|Business and is not related to EU institutions or programmes.

The Widening 35: Commission clarifies position on Hungary’s participation in Horizon Europe

Messy communication around an EU ban on 21 Hungarian universities accessing Horizon Europe funds has had a terrible impact on Hungary’s participation in the programme and relationships with European partners, Hungarian authorities say. The ban is on funding, not participation, but this is not well understood and a hesitancy to work with Hungarian partners has spread around Europe. A new letter from the Commission seeks to clarify the situation.

Elsewhere, a project to build new scientific infrastructure for Ukraine in Poland receives a financial boost, and an Estonian professor argues in favour of funding more science with Widening measures. Finally, Poland’s space tech companies are going to benefit from playing a leading role in the design of two new satellite constellations being built later this decade.  

06 Jun 2024