The Widening

The Science|Business Widening Initiative Group

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EU policymakers aim to demonstrate Europe’s strength in science and technology on the global stage. But this is a challenge considering that half of the member states are lagging behind in research and innovation. While only a few countries meet the official EU target of investing 3% of their GDP i-on R&D, others still struggle to increase their expenditure significantly. To support excellence, the EU has implemented several funding schemes within Horizon Europe, to the benefit of less performing countries, with the objective of bridging the innovation gap around Europe. The EU has also called on member states to actively participate in a common policy agenda to strengthen the European Research Area.

Although these plans sound encouraging in theory, their implementation has produced uneven results. Yet, the potential within the designated ‘Widening countries’ is significant as multinational companies are investing in the regions where long academic traditions are ready to foster young scientists and talents. Additionally, promising tech start-ups, spin-offs and projects spring up from Riga to Belgrade.

As the debate about the future of Widening in the next Framework programme for Research (FP10) is heating up, Science|Business launched a dedicated, independent news service in September 2022 and assembled a group of leading research and innovation actors to help research stakeholders and policymakers find the best ways to unlock the EU’s full research potential in the coming decade. The members of the SB Widening group stand for excellence without frontiers, set the agenda for a joint event series, contribute to policy reports, voice their positions and ideas in public and closed-door gatherings across Central and Eastern European capitals and Brussels, and gain visibility in policy debates and circles.

The SB Widening group is led by Edit Herczog, a former MEP from Hungary now serving several organisations including as Board member of Research Data Alliance Europe and Chair of the Administrative Board at the European Union’s Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER).

Widening Network Member Benefits - Work with us to build and shape the Widening initiative!


  • Participate in the selection of topics for public Widening conferences
  • Develop the direction and shape of the S|B Widening group jointly with other members 


  • Senior representation in at least 1 Widening event per year as a panelist, speaker or featured guest who will be profiled in the corresponding event and marketing materials.
  • Access to all Widening closed-door workshops (8 per year) and public conferences (minimum 3 per year) 
  • Free access to the Science|Business Annual Network Conference (1 seat) 
  • Complementary access to all Science|Business online news content and publications, including: the Science|Business Funding Newswire, a specialised news service to help researchers and stakeholders find their way in the EU and international research funding maze; our Policy Bulletin, in which our journalists share important R&I policy news from Europe and across the globe; and The Widening, with news about bridging Europe’s east-west innovation gap. Networking with other Widening member organisations with diverse skills and experience


  • Logo visibility on the Science|Business Widening page and all event-related marketing materials 

12-month membership to the SB Widening group: €5,500 (+VAT if applicable). 

For more information, you may contact Edit Herczog at [email protected], or Denitsa Nikolova at [email protected]

The Widening Network Members:

  • Adéla Jiroudková, Head of Department of Science and Research, Charles University
  • Aleksander Vukkert, Chief Officer of Research and Development Projects - Research Administration Office, Tallinn University of Technology
  • Anastas Mishev, Professor, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM)
  • Anne-Catherine Rota, Strategic Engagement, Research Intelligence, Elsevier
  • Borbála Schenk, Head of International Department, National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Government of Hungary
  • David Chvála, Consultant for Research, Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels, Czech National Agency for International Education and Research
  • Derya Dönertaş, Senior Scientific Programmes Expert, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye
  • Dimitris Koureas, CSO Director, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
  • Elke Dall, Senior Researcher and Project Manager, Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI); Coordinator, POLICY ANSWERS Project
  • Luciano Saso, Secretary General, UNICA Network
  • Maciej Zdanowicz, EU Policy Advisor, NCBR Brussels Office
  • Monica Dietl, Executive Coordinator, Initiative for Science in Europe
  • Romana Jordan, Assistant Director for EU Affairs, Jožef Stefan Institute 
  • Ricardo Migueis, Head of Office, INESC Brussels Hub
  • Siret Rutiku, Head of the Grant Office, University of Tartu
  • Tadas Tumėnas, Office Manager, Lithuanian Science Liaison Office, Lithuanian Science Council
  • Vladislav Slavov, Head of International Programs and Exchange Sector, Technical University of Sofia

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