Science|Business: The gateway to Europe's research and innovation policy and ecosystem(s)

We provide expert, targeted advice for the entire innovation community. We work with companies, public bodies and universities to help them navigate and raise their profile within EU research and innovation policy circles.

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Strategic Advice

Are you aiming to identify key R&I stakeholders? Are you looking for efficient channels to raise your organisation's profile and reach R&I policy leaders? 

With a solid track record in advising governments, EU institutions, multinationals, and universities, Science|Business is unrivaled for its knowledge of Europe's R&I circles. Our client list includes Microsoft, GE Aerospace, Pfizer, CERN, DESY, Wellcome Trust, IBM, Elsevier, Sanofi, University of Warwick, Business Finland, DG EAC, DG CONNECT, DG RTD, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and several KICs, the ERC, the JRC as well as several EU presidencies.

Our services consist of:

  • Advice on communications strategies 
  • Stakeholder mappings
  • Content production (e.g. sponsored news stories, white papers, original policy reports)
  • Original policy research and high-impact communications campaigns

For further information, please contact us at [email protected] or simply fill in the enquiry form.


Case studies

Boosting Impact: Science|Business Empowers ATTRACT's EU Visibility and Media Reach

From 2014 to date, Science|Business has assisted the ATTRACT project in building support in Brussels  – with success. ATTRACT is an open, pan-EU initiative that fosters co-innovation among European research institutes, SMEs, large companies, and universities to accelerate the development of high-performance detector and imaging technologies for the market. S|B advises them on communication strategies, target audiences, and channels to enhance its reputation within EU R&I circles and among funders. Additionally, S|B served as press officers, promoting ATTRACT stories to major European media outlets such as FT, Le Monde, and Les Echos.

Stakeholder mapping for Toyota: Human and Artificial Intelligence

Commissioned by Toyota in 2019, Science|Business conducted a mapping research to identify top researchers,most performing research institutions, and most promising SMEs currently working in the area of interactions between human and artificial intelligence. The report, delivered confidentially to Toyota, provides a snapshot of who matters the most in Europe in this field. It includes a presentation of each researcher, research institution and SMEs, and the reason why they could matter to Toyota Motors Europe.  

Business Finland - Brand analysis and impact

Ahead of the rebranding of the Finnish Innovation Agency, resulting from the merge between Tekes and Finpro, the innovation and investment Finnish arms, Science|Business was contracted by Tekes to assess the reputation and brand value of the Finnish Innovation System and its actors. In the process, Science|Business carried out a series of 30 interviews for key European and international innovation contacts and compiled a series of recommendations about how to communicate to the broad research and innovation community about the rebranding.