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Supporting Czech Research and Education institutions in intensive participation in EU programmes since 2005.
Main activities:
The Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels – CZELO – has been part of the Czech National Agency for International Education and Research (DZS) since 2021. The office follows up on the activities of the Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation, which has been operating in Brussels since 2005 as part of the Technology Center Prague. Since the DZS has taken over the management of the office, its original agenda in the field of research has expanded to include also the field of education.
The office's main activities include consultation & networking services and awareness-raising about inspiring Czech experts, projects and initiatives. For this purpose, CZELO yearly organizes or co-organizes more than 20 events, publishes articles on its website, sends out newsletters and provides up-to-date information on social media.
Research and innovation
In the field of research, CZELO follows European research, development and innovation programmes and actively monitors the latest news in the context of the European Research Area. The main subject of interest is the Horizon Europe framework programme. Furthermore, the office is also devoted to other relevant programmes (e.g. Digital Europe, EU4Health, LIFE, EURATOM).
In the field of education, CZELO follows the so-called centralized activities in the field of formal and informal education and youth within the Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes (e.g. European Universities, Alliances for Innovation, Erasmus Mundus and others). It also actively monitors the development of the European Education Area as well as current initiatives and trends in the field of international education.
Learn More
LinkedIn: Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels
Facebook: CZELOBrussels
YouTube: CZELO Brussels