Founded in 1977, CDTI (Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI, E.P.E.) is Spain’s national innovation agency and at the forefront of advancing technology development and international R&D&I cooperation for innovation-driven companies.

CDTI is a Spanish government agency under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities whose main mission is to foster the technological development and innovation capacity of Spanish companies. More specifically, CDTI contributes to the improvement of the technological level of Spanish companies through the development of the following activities:

  • Evaluate and fund innovative projects through grants, partly refundable loans and venture capital investment in technology-based or innovative companies.
  • Support to the establishment and consolidation of technology-based enterprises. • Promote Public Procurement through the acquisition of innovative solutions or first prototypes to be validated by Spanish Public Entities. 
  • Manage and promote Spanish participation in international R&D and innovation programmes such as the EU Framework Programme, including co-funded partnerships and PRIMA, as well as other technology market-oriented programmes like Eureka and Iberoeka.
  • Promote international technology transfer and business support services.

CDTI is represented in Brussels by SOST, the Spanish Office of Science and Technology, whose mission is to liaise with EU institutions in order to promote and strengthen Spanish participation in the EU’s research and innovation programmes and related initiatives.

In the context of Horizon Europe, CDTI is the key agency supporting Spanish engagement with Pillars 2 and 3 of the Framework Programme. It also has a considerable footprint outside of Europe, with offices located in Brazil, Mexico, Chile, South Korea, Japan, China, India, Morocco and United States.

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