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Stockholm University is among the 200 highest ranked universities in the world, and one of the top 100 in Europe. Then as now, the University stands for openness and accessibility, with an active role in promoting a democratic, sustainable society.
Stockholm University College was founded in 1878 as a radical alternative to the traditional educational establishment. It earned the right to issue degrees in 1904, primarily to alleviate the lack of lawyers in Stockholm, and was granted full university status in 1960. Today, there are over 29,300 students, 1,400 doctoral candidates, and 5,700 members of staff on campus. We offer 300 programmes and 1,700 courses, including 75 Master’s degree programmes taught in English.
The University is characterised by an international environment with research and education closely connected. We conduct independent basic research and impartial applied research of high calibre in two principal domains – natural sciences and human sciences – with scientific work structured around sixteen priority areas, spread equally between the two, which underpin the University’s current four-year strategy. We also have a deep working relationship with the world-renowned Stockholm Environment Institute on issues relating to development and the environment.
Externally, Stockholm University has a strong tradition of collaboration both within the Nordic region and with the rest of Europe. We are strongly positioned to lead or contribute to high-quality European research and education initiatives, while aiming to establish more long-term partnerships outside of Europe.
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