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The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) is a world-leading centre of excellence for “Safety in technology and chemistry” with responsibility to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Uniquely positioned at the interface of science, technology, industry and politics, BAM integrates research, assessment and consultation within five focus areas: Analytical Sciences, Materials, Energy, Environment and Infrastructure.
Responsible technological change helps guarantee our society’s prosperity. And new technologies are key to Germany’s status as a top business location. But the long-term safety of new technologies is also essential to build public trust in change and safeguard our future.
In this context, BAM has been engaged in developing and validating analysis, testing and assessment methods as well as models, data and required standards since 150 years. We research, test and evaluate substances, materials, parts, components and equipment as well as natural and technical systems for safe handling and operation. Through providing reference materials, performing tests and issuing expert opinions, approvals and certifications as well as active engagement in standardization, BAM ensures safety in technology and chemistry. We communicate safety solutions and implement them by establishing standards. Therefore, advice, information and participation in national and international bodies are a major part of our business.
Within the context of our legal and socio-political responsibilities, we identify needs that will shape safety requirements in technology and chemistry in the future. We pay particular attention to safety aspects in upcoming novel technologies such as hydrogen and battery storage, wind energy, advanced materials, and Additive Manufacturing. Thereby, we ensure public trust in the technological revolutions underpinning the shift to a green and sustainable economy. With our scientific and technical solutions and by sharing our knowledge, we help promote German and European industry. Our work focuses on:
Overall, we aspire to achieve maximum impact through competence, interdisciplinarity and continuity. Our scientists collaborate on research topics in chemistry, materials science and materials engineering across different levels of complexity and utilizing our unique infrastructure such as the open-air Test Site for Technical Safety allowing real scale scenarios. We continuously consolidate and improve our scientific and technical capabilities, using an integrated management system for control and governance. And we continuously promote a culture of open discussion and mutual appreciation within a group of equal experts to guarantee performance and quality.