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Microsoft’s work in Brussels is focused on creating the right framework for every European to benefit from the transformative opportunities opened up by technology.
Europe’s transition into a truly digital society needs to be supported by robust and coherent policies which provide citizens with the skills, knowledge and ability to make the most of technological innovations. And with the right support in place, digital tools can foster growth, competitiveness, innovation and creativity in every area of society.
Microsoft is actively engaged around policy issues as varied as data protection, cybersecurity, connectivity, intellectual property rights and digital skills. Our positions on such issues are outlined in our Global Public Policy Agenda. All of these policy areas have a vital role to play in building the foundations of Europe’s digital single market. They help to create trust in technology, allow citizens to benefit from digital solutions, and enable Europe’s digital economy to thrive.
Increasingly, technology is shaping and impacting the lives of citizens around the world. It is vital that we ensure all Europeans can make the most of digital opportunities without compromising on the fundamental values which underpin our societies. This drives our commitment to open, transparent and accountable engagement in the public policy process. We believe that together we can do more, achieve more, and build a digital Europe to benefit all. We believe in #tech4EU.