
How Wales is making better health and cost savings add up

The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board set up a value-based team to collect and analyse data on how its budget is spent. This is helping to get better value for money and improving outcomes for patients with Parkinson’s disease, cataracts and chronic lung disease

R&D in the East: Enthusiasm goes a long way in Slovenia

Hour-for-hour, they are paid 4 – 5 time less than counterparts in western Europe. But scientists in Slovenia are determined to make up for a lack of government funding and the structural disadvantages facing the country’s research and innovation system

China’s global patents filings jump 45% in one year

Tech giants in China continue to surge forward with new inventions, leaving the country poised to outpace US and Japan within the next few years. European companies did not see the same rapid growth, but held on to their global share