Patients with hardened arteries who had good communication with their healthcare providers were less likely to use the emergency room and more likely to comply with their treatment plans
An article in the latest edition of WHO Europe’s Eurohealth assess the benefits of big data in healthcare and how policy changes in Europe might affect patients, policy-makers, providers and scientists.
In the face of chronic disease, an ageing population and a shortage of trained staff, Europe urgently needs to devise and implement new delivery models that will make its healthcare systems sustainable in the future.
The science of healthcare is underdeveloped. A first-in-Europe institute opening in Cambridge aims to change this, providing evidence of how to organise health to improve outcomes
ICHOM standards will soon cover half the global disease burden. Christina Åkerman, head of the consortium tells Science|Business their application will highlight inequalities, give greater priority to quality of life and help healthcare systems extract more value from restricted budgets
In the thick of the row over the repeal of Obamacare and what is to follow, the US National Academy of Medicine (NAM) has set out its prospectus for reform of the US healthcare system
As the national assembly gathers to vote on higher education rules that could force the Central European University to close, CEU alumna Zsuzsanna Végh says the EU cannot allow a member state to undermine intellectual freedom and academic autonomy
Despite a massive show of solidarity, the parliament has approved new conditions for foreign universities operating in Hungary that are seen as directly targeting CEU
If EU Commission gives the green light, the project, put on hold by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology last year, will start in January 2018
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