Greg Arrowsmith of the Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres, responds to clean tech entrepreneur Michael Liebreich’s contention that Horizon 2020 is having little impact. You need to look in the right places, he says
A forum within the European Research Area Committee (ERAC) — a committee that advises the Council, the Commission and member states on the governance of the European Research Area —has given an opinion criticising Horizon 2020 for largely failing to improve international participation.
As more health data gets stored and analysed, the challenges of governance and culture stand in the way of progress, a Science|Business Healthy Measures conference heard. A solution: citizen involvement
In Brussels, France and Finland, the challenge automation poses for employment is starting to be taken seriously. But MEPs have rejected a proposal to make owners pay social security for their robots
Therapies that prime a patient’s own immune system to recognise and attack tumours are revolutionising cancer treatment. However, the high cost of novel immunotherapies raises concerns about access.
An analysis of the level of preparedness of each EU member state to implement electronic health records shows there is an emerging effort in most countries to develop new information technology tools for managing large datasets and using electronic health records to improve the quality and performance of Europe’s healthcare systems.
A three-year collaboration involving 25 EU countries and 126 partner organisations has culminated in the publication of the European Guide on Quality Improvement in Comprehensive Cancer Control.
EuroScience, the non-profit grassroots association of researchers in Europe, has sent the politicians of Europe an open letter on behalf of 46 leading science organisations highlighting the negative impact of the ongoing policy reorientation under President Donald Trump and his administration on future scientific progress.
Billionaire philanthropist pitches for sustained EU research support in developing world, amidst fears that UK and US governments may dramatically scale back
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