A European Commission report by Gesundheit Österreich Forschungs- und Planungs GmbH and SOGETI evaluates the impact of patient safety and cost-effectiveness programmes in healthcare systems of EU member states.
Health systems can gather all kinds of patient data, but are they analysing and acting on it? A Science|Business conference gathered views from experts
In January 2017, Erasmus MC began adapting its care pathways to match the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) standard set for all cleft palate patients , following a successful trial in 2016.
Since 2007, ETH Zurich has spun out at least 20 companies every year. Detlef Günther, the university’s vice president for research and corporate relations tells Science|Business how they make it happen
Supported and co-funded by the European Commission (Marie Sklodowska-Curie) and other 40 partners, the University of Deusto opens the second and last call to recruit 8 researchers for three years.
“Whenever you hear environmental expert, think urban eco imperialist,” said Myron Ebell, speaking in Brussels. But his Trumpian message met stiff protests.
Maarten Marx, information scientist at the University of Amsterdam, has built a search engine for online news forum De Correspondent that makes it possible to search through motions made by parties in the Dutch parliament (Tweede Kamer). This allows voters to check which election promises were actually upheld by political parties.
Mikael Odenberg, the chair of the Karolinska Institutet board, writes in his blog today, 1 February, that the Election Committee will be consulting with the Consultative College on the proposal to put forward Ole Petter Ottersen’s name to the government for the position of vice-chancellor at Karolinska Institutet.
The Guild details nine key propositions for FP9 and argues for collaborative, fundamental research as the key priority, putting universities at the centre of a more open and inclusive R&I framework
The Slovenian Government has produced an expert-group report detailing its priorities for FP9. It focusses on enhancing synergies and collaboration through interconnecting priorities and improving governance.
An online booking system has helped Macedonia abolish waiting lists. The European Consumer Health Index shows Serbia is set to do the same - and others may follow
Europe’s publicly-funded health systems have improved year on year for a decade, according to the European Consumer Health Index, published today. But there remain large variations and many opportunities to learn from the best performers
Danish pharmaceutical firm says it will invest £115M over the next decade in the latest signal that for now the UK’s advantages in discovery research in life sciences are outweighing concerns about Brexit
The peremptory announcement that the UK will withdraw from the EU Atomic Energy Community risks a talent drain and leaves unanswered questions over funding for nuclear science and the future of the Joint European Torus
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