Beyond the focus on immigration, Le Pen’s bid for the French presidency has broadened to matters scientific and environmental. Science|Business takes a look at the policies she proposes and asks if that will endear her to scientists
An abruptly-announced plan to re-organise research councils raises spectre of political control over science, and sees researchers join wide backlash against new government
A treasure trove of scientific opportunities, the frozen continent faces threats from climate change and a possible race for resources. Time to consider creating a European Antarctic Agency to advance research and protect the environment, says European External Action Service expert Didier Schmitt
Central and eastern European countries continue to lag western neighbours on assessments of the quality of science and innovation results. But on one measure at least, venture capital investment, the gap seems to be closing
Changes to Horizon 2020 salary rules are compounding difficulties Romania faces in attracting and retaining researchers. The EU could help by speeding up amendments on how salaries are calculated, says Daniel David, Vice-Rector for R&D, Babeș-Bolyai University
As the EU new defence programme starts to take shape, the question of how it relates to civil R&D is up in the air. But European subsidiaries of US or Chinese companies are likely to be allowed take part
EU Research Commissioner Carlos Moedas praises scientists for finding their voice. At a time when facts are ignored and experts denigrated, it is great that researchers will show up and tell people how important science is, he tells Science|Business
Boosting defence R&D and attracting more top companies to participate are among possible future growth opportunities identified in a pathfinder prepared for the high level group that is scoping the EU’s 2021 –2028 research programme
Tekes funding has a major impact on the growth and success of businesses. More than 80% of Tekes customers that have been successful in their innovation activities say that Tekes funding was a key part of their success. Jobs increased by 16 per cent in SMEs funded by Tekes during the period 2012–2015.
CLORA has called for a strengthened and impactful FP9 and European Research Area (ERA). They argue for fostering excellence and greater collaboration. They also call for FP9 to be more accessible to citizens — through outreach — and to researchers through simplification and improved success rates
A European alliance of life-science research centres, EU-LIFE, is arguing for strengthened excellence and enhanced collaborative research across FP9. They call upon the Commission to focus on human capital and the early stages of innovation to provide fuel to the innovation process
For the first time in clinical practice, doctors have used a brain-computer interface to communicate with patients suffering from complete paralysis and get responses to simple “yes” or “no” questions, by detecting distinct patterns in patients’ brain activity.
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