A ranking of the world’s clusters on the basis of patent filings puts Tokyo-Yokohama in Japan first by a large margin. The top-ranked in Europe is Paris in 10th place
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Opole University of Technology in Poland are launching a joint research and development project in automotive lightweight construction
Amsterdam, Copenhagen and Barcelona among top contenders to replace London as home for European Medicines Agency, following new rules for the October decision
Prostate cancer survival rates are the same across Germany, but by using outcomes data to drive improvements, Hamburg’s Martini-Klinik ensures better quality of life post-surgery. It is a pioneer and role model, says Michael Porter, father of value-based healthcare
The growing presence in healthcare of companies like Google, Apple and Amazon is driving the proliferation of untested, unregulated tools and poses a threat to a well-functioning and open health system
In its midterm review of the Digital Single Market Strategy published earlier in May, the Commission set out further measures to advance digital health and care, and promote interconnectedness in European healthcare systems
The European Commission published the results of a public consultation it held to assess the opinions and attitudes of individual EU citizens, including patients, clinicians and health professionals, to future EU-level cooperation on HTA
New approaches to drug regulation and reimbursement are needed to improve access to innovation, advance patients’ rights and ensure patients are involved in policy making and regulatory processes, according to speakers at the 11th European Patients’ Rights day, held in Brussels earlier this month
A comprehensive Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programme implemented at US healthcare provider Kaiser Permanente’s 20 Northern California medical centres involving nearly 9,000 patients, resulted in a one-third reduction in postoperative complication rates and a 21 per cent reduction in prescriptions of opioid painkillers
A handheld tablet device is helping heart failure patients to manage their disease, according to research presented at the European Society of Cardiology meeting EuroHeartCare in Jonkoping, Sweden on Saturday (20 May)
Nearly half of older adults in Sweden take ten or more medications in their last months of life, often receiving drugs of questionable benefit, according to the first study conducted on the burden of end-of-life medications across an entire population
People are dying from preventable causes at rates higher than expected, according to the first-ever global study, which has uncovered massive inequity of access to, and quality of health care among and within countries, and concludes people are dying from causes with well-known treatments
Leading funders of clinical research around the world say they will require grant holders to register trials in advance and to publish data in full, regardless of whether the results are positive or not
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