Scientists and their supporters took to the streets in 500 marches around the world on Saturday to celebrate science and stress the importance of evidence-based policy. Here are some of the scenes in Brussels, Boston and London
Efforts to boost e-government and smart city solutions in Romania need more strategic thinking, Stelian Brad, president of Cluj IT Cluster tells Science|Business.
Cutting-edge electronics research in the UK has received a huge boost, thanks to grants for the University of Warwick – totalling almost £1.75 million – from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
A survey of 1,040 people who intend to March for Science shows the top four reasons are: encouraging policies based on science; encouraging the public to support science; opposing political attacks on science; and protesting cuts in science funding
As the World Health Organisation released a report showing nearly a billion people each year are getting treatment for NTDs, the pharma industry renews its pledge on drug donations
The UK’s Academy of Medical Sciences calls for the establishment of an international body to advocate for rapid diagnostic tests for existing and emerging diseases
Tomorrow, the European University in St Petersburg will have its license to operate revoked. “When there are 11 state agencies scrutinising you, there might be something political behind it,” Grigorii Golosov, professor of political science, tells Science|Business
The US used more renewable energy in 2016 than 2015, according to data published this week by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Overall, energy consumption was nearly flat.
Climate experts tell Science|Business the US president’s slash and burn approach to environmental policy may embolden climate sceptics, but it will not lead other nations to curb their emission-cutting efforts
Orgalime, an association of European engineering industries, has called for an ambitious next Framework Programme (FP9), refocussing on European engineering to attract further research and investment into the sector.
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