While other countries have assessed the overall impact of Brexit, Sweden is alone in analysing the specific effects on R&D. There could be severe consequences for the size and shape of Framework Programmes that will reverberate through Swedish research
New report from influential group recommends ditching large-scale projects in favour of funding outstanding individual researchers, getting rid of submission deadlines and awarding smaller grants to make the pie go further
Try as they might, no one can see a bright side to Brexit, either for the UK or the EU27. The only course is damage limitation, agreed speakers at a debate ‘Brexit the scientific impact’
As a former investment banker, Macron understands venture capital and what it takes to promote innovation. He wants to push on with university reform and improve science teaching, but the exact shape of his agenda hangs on parliamentary elections
An in-situ visualization of the cardiac model implemented with ALYA code and NVIDIA IndeX scalable software solution demonstrates the power of HPC simulations in GPU-accelerated clusters
A meta-analysis of the latest research and reports on public investment in green energy points to areas with biggest returns for the economy and the climate
Half way in, more effort is needed to develop Europe’s data economy and tackle cybersecurity, according to midterm review of digital single market strategy
New research points to a dramatic growth in the use of telemedicine for the diagnosis and treatment of mental health disorders in rural areas of the US, but that there is a strikingly uneven distribution of services across states
A survey by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) shows 21 EU/EEA countries have in place, or are in the process of installing electronic systems for recording nationwide information on vaccination
The use of health data has the potential to offer significant benefits for patients, healthcare systems, research and innovation, but a sustainable and effective health data ecosystem is needed in order to realise the full potential of these data, according to report from RAND Europe
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