
The Case for the Cloud

The Commission’s cloud project could draw on Europe’s strengths in science to improve overall competitiveness – and change the way science is done in many disciplines. So concludes a special report from the Science|Business Network’s consultation group on the science cloud.

Karolinska Institutet: Drones can increase survival from cardiac arrest

New research from the Centre for Resuscitation Science at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm South General (Söder) Hospital in Sweden shows that a specially constructed drone equipped with a defibrillator can be dispatched by alarm and delivered automatically to the site of a cardiac arrest long before an ambulance arrives. The results are published in the respected medical periodical JAMA.

Call for scientists to oppose EU defence R&D money

Europe’s researchers should take a principled stand against the new military R&D programme. The EU was created to preserve peace; it will not be peaceful anymore, says Dave Webb, of the UK Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament