French President looks to science, technology and education to revive Europe – and gives a political boost to Moedas proposal for a new innovation council
Alternative for Germany’s wins in the general election could further fuel funding wars in Brussels, as EU hurries to set its next long-term budget. The prospect of securing more funding for research is dimmed
Health insurers and pharma companies are striking pay-for-results deals under which rebates are offered if a drug does not perform as well in the real world as in clinical trials
Digital health start-up VitalSignum is on track to launch Beat2Phone, a small mobile device that detects arrhythmia by measuring the patient’s ECG, with the first production batch due to be on the market early next month.
As WHO warns the antibiotics pipeline does not address the threat of bacterial resistance, the EU must step up and do more to galvanise R&D, accelerate innovation and help shape a coordinated global response to the impending crisis
A broad package of initiatives includes €50M for a pilot of a new European Cybersecurity Research and Competence Centre to train specialists and an EU-wide cyber security certification scheme
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