Scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden report that cancer cells and normal cells use different ‘gene switches’ in order to regulate the expression of genes that control growth.
The University of Luxembourg intends to appoint a new President. This person will be committed to its mission, an accomplished strategic thinker and communicator, and an infectious optimist about the future of the University.
At the 2017 Small Cell World Summit in London, Huawei won the 10 year anniversary award issued by the Small Cell Forum in recognition of Huawei's efforts to accelerate Small Cell deployment worldwide, and the company’s outstanding contribution to the Small Cell industry.
The inaugural class of the joint Prevent Foundation-ESADE programme for people with disabilities highlights the value of leading and mobilising through entrepreneurship.
The Conservative party is defending a 9,582 majority in Oxford West and Abingdon, a constituency where 62% backed Remain in the referendum. Polls indicate Brexit and its consequences for science are a concern for voters in the city
“Is there any discussion about DG Sante’s continued future? The answer is simply no,” says EU Commission’s Director General for Health and Food Safety Xavier Prats Monné
The founders of the Diabeter clinics ditched secure jobs to embrace a new model of specialist care. Ten years on, they have the best paediatric glucose control outcomes and lower costs than most other providers
For patients who undergo complex abdominal operations in the US, poor transitions from the hospital to home contribute to hospital readmission rates ranging from 13 to 30 percent
Efforts to reduce hospital readmissions are working, but they are not always saving money, according to a new study by healthcare provider Cedars-Sinai, which systematically evaluated the effectiveness and financial benefit of quality improvement programmes at medical centres in the US and elsewhere.
The US health plan Harvard Pilgrim Health Care has signed two outcomes-based contracts with AstraZeneca for its acute coronary disease drug Brilinta and Bydureon, a treatment for Type II diabetes, in which the cost of the drugs will be linked to their effectiveness in actual patients.
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