Finnish company Telia initiates a network called 5G Finland to ensure the success of Finland as the fourth industrial revolution picks up speed. The first partners are Nokia and Tekes. 5G Finland is open to all Finnish companies and organizations.

Telia invites forerunner companies and organizations to join a shared network to take Finland to the 5G era. The goal of the network is to create and pilot useful applications and services to end-users, enabled by the latest technology.
5G and Internet of Things will transform production processes, services and the whole infrastructure of society. "We need wide cooperation to ensure that Finland comes out winning out of this ongoing disruption. The challenge concerns industrial actors, public administration and startup and research communities. 5G enables totally new services and business models, and we need the best to join the effort in order to take out the best advantages of 5G", says CTO Jari Collin, Telia Finland.
"Nokia’s vision for 2011 was for mobile data daily usage to reach 1 GB per user. In Finland, we seem to be reaching this limit already before year-end, which makes Finland the leading country in mobile data usage globally. Nokia is excited to join 5G Finland to ensure Finland’s position as a forerunner in 5G technology and the fourth industrial revolution", says Susanna Patja, Account Director, Nokia.
"Finland is a global leader in 5G research and development. Tekes has been a strong supporter of the Finnish ecosystem for 5G R&D, with 5G Test Network Finland➦ as the most visible element. Now we want to help Finnish companies utilizing 5G to take the next step towards the 5G era and to gain international competitive advantage through trials in pre-commercial environments", says Mika Klemettinen, Programme Manager for Tekes' 5thGear programme.
5G Finland network partners get to try and utilize the latest network technology and terminals. Nokia 5G Lab participates in the network, and Maria 01 startup community brings an active network of growth companies to the cooperation. Telia Helsinki Data Center, the most modern data center in the Nordics, starts its operations next spring and will enable development of new services.