More and more jobs are threatened by advances in artificial intelligence and robotics. As the graphs below illustrate, Europe is not prepared for this dislocation
The Commission wants to knit existing data infrastructures into a shared pan European resource. Agreeing the rules for doing this is a daunting task, says Juan Bicarregui, a member of the expert group that is laying the groundwork
University of Eastern Finland head Jukka Mönkkönen talks to Science|Business about pushing harder and faster on open data to make pan European data stores available on tap
A new policy brief by King’s College London sets out ideas which include creating unique science labs and a new fund modelled on the European Research Council to attract researchers after Brexit
The Alphonse Weicker Foundation, powered by BGL BNP Paribas, and the University of Luxembourg’s Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT) have launched a major long-term research and development programme in the field of FinTech (financial technology).
A study led by Warwick University has found a link between the removal of both ovaries during hysterectomy and an increase in heart disease, cancer and premature death.
Many adults with diabetes are unaware of their increased risk for certain serious illnesses, including pneumococcal pneumonia/pneumococcal disease, flu and hepatitis B, according to a recent national online survey sponsored by Merck & Co. (known as MSD in Europe) and the American Diabetes Association.
Five hospitals belonging to Austria’s largest healthcare provider NÖ Landeskliniken-Holding, and seven private diagnostic centres have formed a radiology collaboration network that is enabling clinicians to securely access patient data from any hospital.
Mobile phone company Nokia is diversifying into the regulated health sector with the launch of Patient Care, a range of services that will enable doctors and health professionals to remotely monitor their patients with smart devices.
Cancer patients were both willing and capable of self-reporting adverse events and are able to provide more information than clinical investigators, according to a study in JAMA Oncology.
A joint project by the health and digital technologies directorates aims to break the logjam in adopting ICT, promoting greater patient involvement and easing the flow of medical data for research, EU digital chief Roberto Viola tells Healthy Measures
Brexit is clouding its future role in the new common patent, but Benoit Battistelli, head of the European Patent Office thinks there are ways to keep the UK in the system
An agreement between the pharma industry and health care providers in Manchester will collect real-world data on the value of drugs. The aim is to open the door to fixing drug prices based on how effective they are in everyday use
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