According to Felix Faucon, French member of the EU expert group on Health Systems Performance Assessment, France is the only country where almost all the acute care hospitals gather patient data and use the results in real time.
The PROM scores for anorexia nervosa and other unspecified eating disorders, indicate that patient-reported assessments are more indicative of patients’ eating disorder symptoms than clinician evaluations.
The study, commissioned by the electronics company Philips, covers Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, the UK and the US.
Patient surveys show that Danes rate their GP care highly, with 91 per cent giving a positive assessment compared to a European Union average of 84 per cent in a recent survey, published by the OECD.
On average 18.4 per cent of the patients walking 900 or more steps saw their condition worsen for reasons associated with being in hospital. Of those who took fewer steps, 55.4 per cent saw their condition worsen.
In order to provide a more objective way of assessing the quality of cancer registry data, scientists at the EU’s Joint Research Centre investigated whether cancer incidence rates obeyed Benford's law, or the law of first digits.
There should be a greater effort to create a harmonised system for health technology assessment (HTA), according to a paper issued by the Institute of Competitiveness (I-Com Europe), an Italian think tank.
The NHS and local authorities are setting the future direction of health and care in new Sustainability and Transformation Plans. Listening to staff and patients should be at the core of drawing up those plans, says John Morley, CEO of Formic
A Norwegian hospital group factored in patient perception of pain and when deciding which intravenous catheters to buy. As a result, it bought more expensive devices, but they are easier to use, saving time, reducing pain
Multi-centre trial indicates potential for Endomag’s system to be used as a non-radioactive alternative for sentinel lymph node detection in early stage breast cancer
Pressure on the public purse means research investment is slowing, according to the OECD. Government R&D budgets are in decline following 30 years of growth
Lessons were not sufficiently drawn from the heavy hit on Estonia’s internet back in 2007, says EU cyber watchdog Udo Helmbrecht. Technical proficiency has improved, but the EU could not mount a coordinated response
Enzymes that are over-expressed in tumour tissues can be used to trigger the release of therapeutic payloads only at the cancer sites where they are needed
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