Computing experts at the University of Birmingham and Southern University of Science and Technology of China (SUSTech) are working together to push forward research into Artificial Intelligence.
Longstanding concern that central and eastern member states are not as successful in EU research as western peers needs greater attention, ministers say, warning that east-west split will harm negotiating hand in EU budget talks
A bigger budget, fair salaries for researchers and more money for countries with weaker research systems are on Hungary’s Framework Programme 9 wish list
The Science|Business Network picks fields where European companies and research bodies can catch the innovation wave, and suggests ways the EU can ensure this happens
New measures aim to ensure that intellectual property rights are upheld, to stem the flow €85B annual influx of pirated and counterfeit goods, and encourage SMEs and start-ups to invest in innovation
There is more than a hint of dirigisme in the first explicit national industrial strategy since the 1970s. The government says it is not about picking winners, but shaping the environment as a whole
Huawei’s 2nd European Academic Conference explored how to enable rapid growth in Artificial Intelligence in the era of 5G mobile communications and the Internet of Things
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