A Science|Business roundtable, in partnership with Sanofi, 09:30-13:00 (followed by a networking lunch)
We all want to live longer and healthier lives, and Europe has a fantastic potential to innovate with new diagnostic procedures, therapies, drugs, or medical devices. As researchers, SMEs, corporates and governments thrive to unlock that potential, they encounter different challenges that put a halt to this innovation engines. For every new drug or medical device that hits the market, hundreds of potential medicines or potential new technologies fall by the wayside. What are the current barriers to improve R&I in Europe in the health(care) sector? How to speed up the transition from discovery to market? What is the role of the EU and collaboration platforms to accelerate healthcare innovation?
European researchers, governments and companies hold a solid track record in cross-border collaboration in the field of health research. However a policy framework is now needed to allow health research and innovation to reach the next level. During this roundtable, policy makers, researchers, industry executives, regional and national government representatives, from Europe and beyond, will discuss the added value of a comprehensive EU innovation strategy for health and the next key policy steps required to get there. How can the next Framework Programme for R&I, Horizon Europe help connect an innovation strategy for healthcare with other policy areas such as digital, environment, climate, etc.? Finally what can we learn from innovation clusters in Europe and other countries around the world?
As negotiations around the European Commission’s proposal for Horizon Europe are underway, this event will be a unique opportunity for a high-level debate aiming to evaluate the current state of play and establish a set of recommendations to move towards a more coherent EU innovation strategy for health in the years to come.
Hosted by

09:00 – Welcome Coffee
09:30 – Welcoming words
09:45- From excellence to open innovation: Why do we need an EU healthcare innovation strategy?
A group discussion on the potential added value of a European innovation strategy for health
- Horizon Europe
- The Innovative Medicines Initiative
10:30 - Innovation hubs: the power of clusters in a European ecosystem
A group discussion around regional case studies: Stockholm, Amsterdam, Trondheim, Paris
11:00 – Coffee break
11:30 - Obstacles to creating such a strategy at the European level
Introductory remarks on:
- Breaking policy silos
- The practitioner view
- Breaking the technology silos, the industry view
12:15 - How to proceed? What are the key policy steps required?
Open discussion to gather recommendations from participants to start shaping a roadmap for EU and national policy makers
13:00 – Networking lunch
For more information on this event, please contact Lysiane Pons ([email protected])