
Unitary European patent system tiptoes closer

Several big hurdles have recently been cleared, but a new court system still needs to be accepted by 5 participating countries before the new intellectual property regime can come to life

Uncertainty? Definitely

Since her term as President of the European Research Council ended in 2013, Helga Nowotny has turned author. Her book on the role of uncertainty in science, The Cunning of Uncertainty, has just been published. Science|Business spoke to her at the recent Innovation Conference in Barcelona

Researchers at ETH develop new diagnostics method

The new method is based on Birefringence, the ability of substances to change the polarisation state of light. With this method, doctors around the world can easily, rapidly and reliably detect malaria, Ebola or HIV to name only a few.

EU Commission sets out plan to allow free data mining

Researchers will be given freedom to interrogate and search articles currently locked behind journal paywalls. But scientists want faster progress and publishers say the Commission should move carefully when proposing changes to copyright law

Chalmers launches Graphene Centre

The well-attended kick-off event of the Graphene Centre at Chalmers took place in the student union building on 2 December. Among the participants were Chalmers president Stefan Bengtsson and Avgust Yurgens, professor at MC2.

KI-coordinated EU network establishes cancer partnerships

EurocanPlatform, an EU-funded network coordinated by Karolinska Institutet, held its last meeting in Brussels in November. The outcome was new collaborative ventures between cancer centres in Europe designed to transfer scientific discoveries from lab to clinic.

Shaping up basic research for translation to market

While the European Research Council exists to fund excellent basic science, its proof of concept grants allow researchers to go one step further and embark on the path to commercialisation. A spinout formed as a result has been named ‘Most Investible Company’

How to develop a good tech transfer office

As universities come under increasing pressure to demonstrate the wider impact of their research, Science|Business brings together some of Europe’s most experienced technology transfer offices to discuss the dos and don’ts