European Economic and Social Committee (EESC): Simplify!

12 Jan 2017 | Policy paper

An EESC opinion on Horizon2020 also states two views about the makeup of FP9

This exploratory opinion on Horizon 2020 by this EU body representing labour and other societal actors has two suggestions for the makeup of FP9 buried within it: one urges structural simplification, the other flexibility on accounting.

From the text:

“In view of the next Framework Programme the EESC also strongly urges refraining from setting up more instruments and encourages the Commission instead to actively reduce the number of instruments”

“It also recommends that reflections on future framework programmes should endeavour to make further progress in this direction, accepting participants’ usual accounting principles wherever possible by starting from the principle that compliance with national rules is the main criterion, as long as these meet agreed standards. Those standards might be developed and tested in collaboration with the European Court of Auditors.”

Read the full report here.

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