European Association of Research and Technology Organisations (EARTO): Prioritise Innovation

12 Jan 2017 | Policy paper

EARTO build the case for an innovation-focussed next Framework Programme

This brief thought piece by EARTO, an association of research and technology organisation, lays out ten guiding principles the group believes FP9 should adhere to. It focusses on the distributive balance of the funding amongst future instruments: providing a strong voice for enhancing innovation in the next Framework Programme.

From the text:

  1.  Prioritise impact
  2.  Strengthen Excellent European Collaborative Applied Research
  3.  Ensure a Balance between the 3 Funding Pillars
  4.  Target Europe’s Innovation Capacity
  5.  Promote Collaborative Participation by Industry
  6.  Further Promote European Added-Value
  7.  Ensure Grant-Based R&I Funding as Key Element
  8.  Taking Stock of Existing Research & Innovation Infrastructures
  9.  Continue Efforts on Simplification

“…making the appropriate balance between those pillars will require looking at their differences in terms of impact, lead times, leverage effects and in particular their specific European added-value”

Read the full report here.

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