His mandate now expired, Robert-Jan Smits reflects on how his radical open access plan has delighted and infuriated in equal measure. ‘This was the icebreaker that science needed,’ he says
Improvements in life expectancy are slowing down across Europe. An OECD-commissioned report attempts to unpick the reasons and calls for countries to step-up research and monitoring of mortality
The Commission’s new ‘Task Force EIC’ would include staffers from both its research and SME agencies, as part of a major restructuring of the EU’s research organisation
Brexit has disrupted life at the biggest fusion facility in the world. But as it enters the final stage of its operation, JET is ‘out to smash records’, Ian Chapman, CEO of nuclear fusion programme tells Science|Business
EU 13 university heads say cost and complexity of winning EU grants means they can’t compete with wealthier peers. But a Commission official tells them to shape up their national support systems if they want to become more successful
European Court of Auditors says it will investigate whether EU attempts to tackle antibiotic resistance provide value for money, on same day that health and food agencies say the problem is getting worse
The European Research Council’s proof of concept programme funds grantees who want to put their discoveries into practical use. At a Brussels event, 3 grantees talk about the challenges and prospects
Artificial intelligence is powering ahead. But although there is plenty of discussion on the ethics of how it is applied – and much disquiet about issues such as automated decision-making and systemic bias - there is little serious research into the topic
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