Researchers continue test experiments at the largest research infrastructure in central and eastern Europe. EU commissioner for regional policy is ‘very concerned’ about ongoing litigation
Replacing top EU research schemes in the UK post-Brexit is ‘a formidable challenge’, says House of Lords. International scientific collaborations could not be replicated at the national level
After the prolonged and – as yet undelivered – promise of a managed process, the UK is bracing for a rocky, no-deal Brexit. We are doing the best we can to find a way through it, a recent Science|Business meeting heard
Policy makers and innovation experts don’t know how labour markets will be affected by the digitisation of production and manufacturing, but predict new job-intensive sectors will emerge
Final text of the update to the Public Sector Information Directive shows MEPs failed in moves to require publication of all publicly funded research. Rather than open by default, data will be “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”
Talent mobility can involve crossing borders – but there are lots of other ways the EU could promote movement of smart people, a Science|Business conference heard. Targeted measures are needed in Horizon Europe
Insistence on excellence in its grant selections has made the European Research Council a leading global brand. But there are lots of ways to define what excellence is, a Science|Business conference hears.
Following the Swiss government’s announcement of a national consultation on the shape of its future relationship with the EU, Swiss scientists fear Brussels may deny them access to the forthcoming Horizon Europe research programme
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