SPECIAL SCIENCE|BUSINESS SURVEY: EU leaders are moving this Autumn towards a budget agreement for the next big EU R&D programme, Horizon Europe. Science|Business wants to know what its readers think. Tell us your opinion in our one-page online survey.
Travel restrictions and closed or socially-distanced campuses mean many of the class of 2021 won’t leave home, but the commission is injecting €200 million to enable distance learning and keep the Erasmus+ programme on the road
A new public-private Horizon Europe partnership, Processes4Planet, will build on Horizon 2020 efforts, to transform energy-intensive process industries and help the EU reach 2050 climate goals
Scientists are fretting about a repeat of 2014, when a vote to curb immigration saw them kicked out of key parts of the EU’s research programme for almost three years
The European Commission’s work to secure access to potential COVID-19 vaccines is welcome, but other therapies are needed to end the pandemic and negotiations with European manufacturers of anti-viral antibodies should not be further delayed
Scientists funded by prestigious EU scheme whose projects were delayed by pandemic lockdowns want the European Commission to extend their grants and help push projects over the finish line
Why are conspiracy theories so powerful? Who are more vulnerable to conspiracy theories? How can scientists correct inaccurate scientific beliefs? These are the questions address in the latest TRESCA blog post.
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