The Coalition for Pandemic Preparedness played a key part in speeding development of COVID-19 vaccines. It now needs support over the next five years to end the pandemic and be ready for future infectious disease outbreaks
As movement to suspend western research ties to Russia gathers speed, the Dutch and Slovenian governments, and a European academic group, announce sanctions over the invasion of Ukraine
Formal joint projects are suspended. But that doesn’t mean academics can’t keep talking to Russians, or even doing private research, says the head of the German rectors’ conference
In letters to EU and UK leaders, House of Lords European affairs committee calls for a ‘high-level political intervention’ to unblock the association talks
They were promised more money, but in the first year of the revamped EU student mobility scheme universities got less - leaving students facing uncertainties over their grants. Some say such hiccups are to be expected when new rules are kicking in
Several organisations and institutions have had to clarify they are not expelling Russian students after claims by a Kremlin-supporting official circulated on social media
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