
Governing the European Open Science Cloud

The EU’s proposed Open Science Cloud is an ambitious effort to interlink data, results, labs and researchers across the EU. In this report, members of the Science|Business Cloud Consultation Group suggest how this initiative could be governed.

02 Oct 2017

The Case for the Cloud

The Commission’s cloud project could draw on Europe’s strengths in science to improve overall competitiveness – and change the way science is done in many disciplines. So concludes a special report from the Science|Business Network’s consultation group on the science cloud.

18 Jun 2017

Research Strategies The next Framework Programme

In October 2016, the Science|Network of universities, companies and innovation organisations gathered in Brussels to debate the future of EU R&D programmes. The result: A profusion of ideas, recommendations and warnings for the future of EU research and innovation.

12 Oct 2016

The EIC: Breaking through, scaling up

In this report, for presentation to the Commissioner at the annual Science|Business Horizon 2020 conference on 16 February 2016 in Brussels, we suggest that an EIC focus on two fundamental problems: encouraging more breakthrough innovations, and scaling them up quickly within Europe and beyond. This requires tackling many sub-issues: market barriers, funding shortfalls, skills gaps, poor visibility, uncoordinated policies. But if we are to go through the political effort of creating a new agency – or deciding not to do so – there should be a clear, simple objective. In just four words: scale up breakthrough innovations.

15 Feb 2016

Creating a virtuous circle in technology transfer - The case of KU Leuven

Leading research universities around the world are becoming powerful engines of innovation. The most successful institutions generate tens or even hundreds of millions of euros in annual income from collaboration with industry, patents, licensing and spin-offs. Much of that income is channelled back to researchers, creating a virtuous circle for the university. At the same time, the universities that succeed at technology transfer contribute tangible benefits to society by stimulating innovation and economic growth.

19 Nov 2015