
Modelling Europe's Energy Future

The EU Energy Roadmap is based on optimistic assumptions. An energy policy for a resilient transition requires an open and transparent reference model that is fed by a fair assessment of the cost and capabilities of (existing and future) technologies.

02 Jul 2013

A Grace Period for Patents

European researchers working to advance technology frontiers face a dilemma. To keep their academic careers on track they must publish the results of their work as quickly as possible and present scientific breakthroughs at scholarly conferences. But to reap the benefits of possible commercial applications for themselves and their universities, they must remain silent until a patent is filed.

03 Jun 2013

Helping Europe Innovate

The Annual Report 2012-2013 is a summary of the activites of the Science|Business Innovation Board over the past year. The Science|Business Innovation Board seeks to improve the climate for innovation in Europe through:new ideas in innovation policy, strategic relations between top universities and companies, and top-level dialogue with EU policy leaders. The Board, which began meeting in 2007, was founded by international business school INSEAD, ESADE Business School, and Science Business Publishing Ltd., with the support of Microsoft Corp. and BP PLC. Its membership has broadened to include Imperial College London, SKF and some key individual innovators.

03 Jun 2013

ACES 2013 Finalists

The ACES, now in their fifth year, are the only pan-European awards for enterprise in university and public research institutes. They give public recognition to those researchers, engineers, professors, students and government officials in Europe who have done the most to foster a culture of enterprise on campus.

02 Jun 2013

Experts debate the future of stem cells

Europe is currently a world leader in the fundamental science underpinning regenerative medicine and cell therapy, and in its therapeutic use and regulation. But how can Europe build on its leading position?

17 Dec 2012

Driving innovation and growth

The 2012 EIT and ACES Awards Yearbook contains detailed profiles of this year's winning companies, EU Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou's vision on innovative entrepreneurship and an introduction by Chairman of the EIT's Governing Board Alexander von Gabain.

15 Oct 2012

Making industry-university partnerships work

This study, built on a growing pool of academic research about the state of industry-university collaboration, offers concrete lessons and recommendations from experienced managers on both sides of the divide.

16 Jun 2012