
The leading life sciences clusters in Europe

This study offers an overview of the leading life sciences innovation hubs across Europe – some of which are also world leaders. It can form the basis for setting out a strategy for systematic engagement with Europe’s leading scientists, to enrich discovery research and generate innovation.

22 Sep 2015

Horizon 2020 The insider’s guide

To succeed at Horizon 2020, you need a good road map – not just for the fundamentals of applying for grants, but to the many policy and political nuances you need to know. This unofficial ‘insider’s guide’ is our effort to gather some of the knowledge of our Brussels-based staff and our Network members scattered across Europe. We think it will increase your odds of success.

14 Jun 2015

Fixing the system: Horizon 2020 should focus on the overall system for delivering healthcare, experts say

Across the European Union, healthcare authorities are striving to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their delivery systems. The population is ageing; technology is advancing; costs are rising; and people’s expectations about healthcare are changing. Horizon 2020, the EU’s flagship research and innovation programme, can help deal with these challenges – in fact, member-states are demanding it do so.

25 Mar 2015

BIG SCIENCE: What’s It Worth?

The world spends millions a year on telescopes, synchrotrons, colliders, DNA databases and other ‘big science’ projects. What does it get for that money?

25 Feb 2015

The EU Energy Challenge: Can innovation fill the gap?

On 14 november 2014, Science|Business organised a summit on the EU energy Challenge, gathering 170 experts from across europe and beyond in academia, industry and policy to debate the answers to those questions and develop insights and recommendations for the european Commission. The summit capped a series of eight high-level academic policy symposia focused on the eu energy R&D challenge, supported by BP.

31 Jan 2015

The Renewable Power Dilemma

Europe is determined to lead the world in the shift to green energy. A key policy goal in the European Commission’s 2050 Energy Roadmap is an electricity system based nearly entirely on renewable energy sources. From fields of windmills in Scotland to solar panel installations across Spain, billions of euros in public and private investment over the past 15 years have kick-started the transition to a low-carbon economy.

29 Nov 2014