
Sigma-Aldrich goes shopping

Lab-supply companies are normally in the business of selling things to scientists, rather than buying. But the new CEO of Sigma-Aldrich, one of the world's largest lab-supply firms, is shopping for new ideas, new partners - and new companies to invest in.
04 Jan 2006

Sworn enemies unite against draft EU IP law

Sworn enemies within the technology and pharmaceutical industries are joining forces in a lobbying drive to persuade European Union lawmakers to change a draft law they say will stifle innovation in Europe by criminalising patent infringements, along with all forms of intellectual property infringements.
04 Jan 2006

India bullish on global clinical trial business opportunity

Time and money are driving the world’s pharmaceutical companies east for their clinical trials. With its huge population, new helpful regulations and growth outstripping China, India plans to become the world leader in the clinical research business by the end of the decade.
04 Jan 2006

Austrian Intercell affiliate aims to cut hospital infections

At any given time over 1.4 million people worldwide are suffering from infections they got from their health-provider, according to the World Health Organization. Pelias AG, a newly created affiliate of Austrian biotech company Intercell AG, is hoping to raise €15 million to €20 million to make a dent in those numbers.
04 Jan 2006

Nordic Biotech: the search for the holes in the market

News Editor Thomas Lau spoke to Florian Schönharting, a partner at the Nordic Biotech, a fund that has invested in Denmark’s Gastrotech BipPharma - a biotechnology company that recently merged with US biotech firm DOR BioPharma. Nordic Biotech, a specialised biotech venture capital fund focusing primarily on Nordic countries and the EU, has invested in Gastrotech since its inception in March 2003.
04 Jan 2006

Cambridge academics vote for new IP plan

Cambridge University is tightening its grip on rights to intellectual property generated by staff and students after academics voted overwhelmingly to endorse new plans
12 Dec 2005

Lab Notes

On inventive Californians, technology transfer, how to approach the business press, and other insights into R&D management.
07 Dec 2005

Nanotech: what makes investors bite

Investing in technology that's a few years from commercialisation can be tricky. Lori Valigra finds out how some venture capitalists sort the wheat from the chaff.
07 Dec 2005

Stem cells – the quick guide

What are stem cells, what could they do - and why are investors wary of putting their money in them? A lay guide to the technology
07 Dec 2005