
Biotech brings silver lining to pharma cloud

Last month the world's leading pharmaceutical company received simultaneous FDA approval for two new therapies. Yet neither drug was invented by the company. Both were originally developed by small biotechs.
01 Feb 2006

Why big pharma needs little bio

On 26 January, in London, Science|Business organised a roundtable of executives in the biotech industry to discuss the state of the market. The consensus: investor appetite for biotech companies is on the rise.
01 Feb 2006

Investing: Cleantech takes the spotlight

With high oil prices showing no sign of quitting, "cleantech" is the new darling VC investment sector. But, asks Mary Lisbeth D'Amico, is the market more froth than substance?
01 Feb 2006

'Rubik's Cube' is Ireland's new incentive

A pre-designed biomanufacturing facility with advance planning permission is the latest carrot devised by the Industrial Development Authority (IDA) Ireland in its efforts to attract international biopharmaceutical manufacturing projects.
19 Jan 2006