
Lessons for universities

A new report from MIT suggests that universities should avoid concentrating too much on technology transfer.
08 Jan 2006

Europe’s IPO markets top €50B in 2005; surpass US

As expected, the IPO markets in Europe made their strongest showing in several years in 2005 and have even topped the amount of money raised in the U.S., according to figures released today by PricewaterhouseCoopers in London.
08 Jan 2006

Nostradamus strikes back

Forget stem cells, pharmacogenomics and the next big cure - Michael Kenward gazes into his prophecy book to see what the physical sciences have in store for us this year. Or maybe not.
04 Jan 2006

Edinburgh team deactivates cross-contaminating prions

Scientists at Edinburgh University have developed a new method for cleaning surgical instruments that entirely removes protein contamination, including the near-indestructible prions - the agents that cause mad cow disease
04 Jan 2006

UK spin-out spins back

Just as most public research bodies embrace commercialisation as their raison d'etre, the UK Medical Research Council is reversing the trend and taking a company it span out earlier back within its fold.
04 Jan 2006