In the life sciences arena RDP has teamed up with the communications company MC Bio-Communications of London, and is now looking for similar partnerships in other technology sectors.
It is important for all technology-based companies to maximise the availability of tax credits, but particularly for those with negative cash flow. RDP says the processes it has developed over two decades in Canada are readily adaptable to tax credit administration policies across Europe.
RDP’s methodology relies on its panel of senior science and technical consultants that cover every major field of science. Not only do they understand the science and technology being developed by client companies, says the company, they have the experience to relate the company’s R&D to tax relief programme eligibility criteria, ensuring that all projects and related activities are claimed.
The technical staff are supported by a team of financial experts who determine which costs can be claimed. In addition, they keep track of any changes in the rules and regulations in the different jurisdictions
RDP has developed checklists and guidelines to ensure that claims are complete and accurate. In addition to processing claims, RDP says it works with companies to implement processes for identifying, capturing and documenting all R&D projects, activities and costs, and thus easing the burden of filing.