Research Strategies The next Framework Programme

In October 2016, the Science|Network of universities, companies and innovation organisations gathered in Brussels to debate the future of EU R&D programmes. The result: A profusion of ideas, recommendations and warnings for the future of EU research and innovation.

The EIC: Breaking through, scaling up

In this report, for presentation to the Commissioner at the annual Science|Business Horizon 2020 conference on 16 February 2016 in Brussels, we suggest that an EIC focus on two fundamental problems: encouraging more breakthrough innovations, and scaling them up quickly within Europe and beyond. This requires tackling many sub-issues: market barriers, funding shortfalls, skills gaps, poor visibility, uncoordinated policies. But if we are to go through the political effort of creating a new agency – or deciding not to do so – there should be a clear, simple objective. In just four words: scale up breakthrough innovations.

Fixing the system: Horizon 2020 should focus on the overall system for delivering healthcare, experts say

Across the European Union, healthcare authorities are striving to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their delivery systems. The population is ageing; technology is advancing; costs are rising; and people’s expectations about healthcare are changing. Horizon 2020, the EU’s flagship research and innovation programme, can help deal with these challenges – in fact, member-states are demanding it do so.