Media reports of a draft deal between the two sides remain unconfirmed by EU officials, but various groups in the research community have welcomed positive signs
A recent conference brought together representatives of both countries’ research communities and government officials, leading to talks of building closer ties
The National Science Centre is calling for its overall budget to be doubled to €673M, saying it is now regularly having to turn down excellent proposals from researchers. The situation ‘has never been so dire’ its director tells Science|Business
Challenge-driven programmes in cancer, climate change and smart cities are not working out as planned. To be successful they need to pull in outside funding, says new EU research head Marc Lemaître. A progress report is due out next week
AI could be used to falsify data. It could also check the quality of journal papers. New guidance says AI has potential benefits, but maintaining integrity of research requires scientists and institutions to be transparent about its use
The Commission is set to update legislation on genetic engineering of crops, with its proposal to be presented in July. There will be opposition from environmental groups that want the 2001 blanket ban to be retained
A new report highlights structural problems and bottlenecks that are holding back progress in building up capacity and strengthening the scientific systems in eastern Europe
Concentrated diplomatic efforts win the day as Romania is made a ‘founding observer’ in the ELI ERIC consortium. The move is a huge step forwards after a long-running row that seriously held up the largest research infrastructure in eastern Europe
A drop off in the number of commercially led trials has had an opportunity cost for UK taxpayers of an estimated £360 million over the past five years, says government commissioned review
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