As the first moves are made in shaping the 2028 – 2034 R&D programme, there are informal discussions about shifting the focus of Widening measures away from country level and using this initiative to support all less-advanced regions across the EU
The Dutch university has opted out of the Times Higher Educationleague table this year, adding further momentum to the research assessment reform movement that is pushing for universities and researchers to be judged on quality not quantity
Budget discussions are on for the EU’s next R&I funding programme, due to begin in 2028, and the European Parliament wants more than twice as much as was agreed last time
The EU ban on some Hungarian institutes receiving new Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe funding is now having a knock-on effect on counterparts that are not on the banned list. They are calling for the Commission to make it clear they are exempt
A debate on how the EU’s Widening measures, which aim to close the east/west innovation divide, should be reformulated in the next framework research programme is heating up, with the Commission already hinting at possible changes
Two open letters have been sent to Poland’s president and prime minister in an attempt to prevent the National Science Centre - the main basic research funding agency - from closure
The campus opened in 2020 after Brexit made it harder for EU students to go to the UK. From an initial cohort of 12 the university expects to enrol 180 – 200 students in the coming academic year
You wouldn’t have a football world cup without the best teams, and equally you shouldn’t have a research programme without the best scientists, says Maria Leptin on the UK’s return to the fold
Now that science relations between EU and UK are on the mend, Europe’s science community can breathe a deep sigh of relief. But how did we get here? And what do the science lobbies think of it?
As most breathe a sigh of relief, a leading MEP questions concession it is claimed could allow the UK to win grants over and above its contribution. The UK is not rejoining the Erasmus study abroad scheme or lifting post-Brexit visa requirements
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