The proposed directive on Transparency of Interest Representation, designed to prevent malign foreign lobbying, could force universities to register any foreign-funded research, observers fear
The European Parliament has rejected a call to bring Hungarian universities back into the Erasmus student and academic mobility scheme, with a large majority of MEPs insisting prime minister Viktor Orbán must make the required reforms first
Europe remains ‘fairly open’ but there is a feeling that ‘things could get much more closed’, says Thomas Jørgensen of the European University Association
As 2024 begins, we assess the success of attempts to close the EU’s east-west research and innovation gap. There is progress, but a decade on, disparity persists and alongside beefed up EU measures, national R&D funding needs to increase
The four countries have teamed up to bring together Germany’s political heft with the expertise in digital transformation of the Baltic states and inject fresh impetus into the EU single digital market agenda
Here’s an explainer on how the next seven-year EU research programme, FP10, is being crafted, from the EU institutions and stakeholders, to the budget battle and potential sticking points
Recent supply shocks have exposed Europe’s dependence on imports of essential resources. Estonia is aiming to overcome this by developing new techniques for extracting raw materials from overlooked or under-exploited domestic sources
A partnership with the Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium is one of the latest moves to try and improve success rates in getting finance from the EU start-up funder
Openness and collaboration are the heart of world class science, but as the threat of foreign interference at universities and research organisations ramps up, the Commission wants to agree new restrictions
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