For some, bridges to Russia’s scientists should remain open to encourage dissent and maintain ties. But those closest to the frontline in Ukraine say this is naïve
Rather than being an ‘America first’ initiative, the move to grow the domestic semiconductor sector will embrace international cooperation, especially with Europe
Responsibility, international solidarity, openness, inclusion, mobility, flexibility and predictability should be central to improving mid- and long-term support for science systems affected by conflict, according to a newly released International Science Council report on the Ukraine crisis, which makes recommendations for the international community.
As Science|Business launches its Widening newsletter, here’s an explainer on how the EU research programme is attempting to boost R&D performance in central and eastern Europe
Widening is essential to create an interconnected pan-European innovation ecosystem that reaches out to every corner of Europe and acts as a catalyst in driving the green and digital transitions - and in promoting growth and prosperity
The invasion of Ukraine has prompted a wave of measures to isolate Russia’s scientific establishment. As geopolitical tensions mount, we must seek global agreement on how researchers can continue to operate, without aiding an aggressor or hampering science.
Medical biotech start-ups are thriving in Poland thanks to abundant EU funding, but structural weaknesses are making it difficult for them to grow and mature
Pandemic slowdown, closure of the Suez Canal and a shortage of lorry drivers have exposed the fragility of trade networks. EU-funded Transmetrics says artificial intelligence can help anticipate problems and remove bottlenecks
Experts from the region point to a lack of national research funding, poor access to networking and cultural factors as reasons for the low success rate
As EU funding for defence R&D grows, it is important to ensure different programmes come together as a coherent whole. At the same time, the EU and NATO should look for synergies in defence research, to avoid duplication and inefficiencies
Receive the Funding Newswire [full access requires a subscription] each Tuesday, our Policy Bulletin each Thursday, and news about bridging Europe’s east-west innovation gap twice a month in The Widening.
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