On a visit to Japan, science minister George Freeman unveiled the latest funding pot designed to compensate for exclusion from Horizon Europe. But he insists association to the EU’s framework programme remains the UK’s first choice
Blanket subsidies to generate hydrogen in the US are already tempting European producers to set up manufacturing sites across the Atlantic. The issue became a flashpoint in recent negotiations between Washington and Brussels
MEPs want the EU’s seven-year budget to deliver on green and digital policy while leaving room for manoeuvre during crises. They say more money is needed to meet demand, including more investment in research
The Cassovia New Industry Cluster launched in 2021 with the aim of bringing universities and industry together to increase the industrial competitiveness of an economically deprived region
An anthropologist studying conspiracy theories is just the second researcher in the country to win a European Research Council grant, a small step forward as Slovakia struggles to improve its research system
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