Ensuring Europe can innovate and grow its companies in the face of global competition will be one of the priorities of Sweden’s six-month reign of the EU
The crash of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange drew attention to a growing movement in the tech world aiming to become better at predicting, steering and sequencing scientific breakthroughs. The notion is gaining traction in Europe and the US – scandal notwithstanding
Without end users for clean hydrogen, Europe risks squandering its innovation advantage, according to a new analysis of patents. Unless technologies to switch from fossil fuel-based hydrogen are widely accessible the market won’t take off
The UK can play a global role in R&D and whilst remaining involved in EU programmes said George Freeman, setting out plans to attract foreign capital into the research ecosystem
EU’s blocking of Erasmus and Horizon Europe funds to 21 Hungarian universities over rule of law concerns has caught many unaware. The Hungarian government says it has done what it was agreed to address these issues
Without action, the quality of research could decline, research commissioner Mariya Gabriel is told as she announces pilot to be launched in 2024 in partnership with member states and industry
With the interim review of the research programme underway, there is a need to ensure resources are not spread thinly across duplicate research streams
Research commissioner Mariya Gabriel has linked re-admittance to ESFRI to wider relations between the EU and Switzerland. Some see this as a sign the body is too heavily controlled by the Commission
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