ERAB calls for ‘new Renaissance’

The European Research Area is too fractured and much by inward-looking national priorities, an advisory body warns, urging a fundamental shift in the way research is done.
05 Oct 2009

Waiting for an ERA

R&D Commissioner Janez Potočnik is keen to see his country, Slovenia, advancing the European Research Area during its EU Presidency. But, asks Nuala Moran, is the necessary momentum there?
23 Apr 2008

ERA plans draw over 800 responses

The Green Paper on the formation of a European Research Area attracted more than 800 responses by the time the consultation came to an end this week.
10 Oct 2007

Euroscience adds its voice to comments on ERA

The scientists’ organisation Euroscience has welcomed the European Commission’s Green paper on the European Research Area – but raised concerns about aspects of the consultative procedures.
03 Oct 2007

More criticisms of plans for the ERA

National research funding and grant giving bodies should be given more prominence in the European Commission’s plans to create the European Research Area, say research council heads and the European Science Foundation.
12 Sep 2007