At an informal meeting in Belgium, EU research ministers and research commissioner Iliana Ivanova agreed on the need to safeguard research funding, after €2.1 billion was cut from Horizon Europe
The next research and innovation programme should be designed to dovetail into other EU funding streams, says Erik Huizer, chief executive of the pan-European research and education data network GÉANT
The early planning stage of the next EU research programme will be pivotal in ensuring it enables data-intensive research and amplifies responsible AI development and the sustainable use of AI in research and innovation
Otmar Wiestler wants the next framework programme to include EU-wide efforts to take industrial leadership in new technologies. He’s also not in “fundamental opposition” to military dual use research calls in Horizon Europe’s successor
Leading academics defend EU research missions and say productivity growth should not be the direct goal of European investment in research and innovation
With its misguided ‘missions’ and ‘bottom-up’ funding, Horizon Europe isn’t delivering the economic prosperity and industrial competitiveness Europe needs, argues a Washington think-tanker
Over 40 years, the EU’s flagship research programmes have drifted from their early focus on collaborative, pre-competitive R&D benefiting industry and society. A Swedish expert on the programme calls for a rethink
The EDCTP partnership that sponsors clinical trials in Africa is a flagship of the EU’s health research effort. But as it reaches its 20 anniversary the pending pharmaceutical legislation and budget worries dog its future, warns Maria da Graça Carvalho MEP
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