The European Parliament has approved the Artificial Intelligence Act, but there are increasing worries about the burden of compliance and how, along with a mix of other digital legislation, companies now have a ‘regulatory spaghetti bowl’ to untangle
An annual deep dive into the German ecosystem shows it is no longer haemorrhaging scientists, but lags behind on crop genetic engineering and AI investment. A swath of policy reforms are needed
Money is pouring into AI businesses that promise cool innovations – but basic research needs steady public funding to solve the societal challenges that AI poses, argues University of Bergen researcher
Simon Johnson, former International Monetary Fund chief economist, says funders and universities should create new, socially beneficial forms of AI through grants and competitions - and not leave the field to tech companies
Brussels and London still have very different approaches to regulating the technology, but the UK’s AI minister struck a collaborative tone on a recent visit to Brussels, part of a wider détente on science and technology
For the first time, technology has been singled out as a flashpoint for global security. German science minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger will tell the conference she wants ‘increased action’ on research security
The early planning stage of the next EU research programme will be pivotal in ensuring it enables data-intensive research and amplifies responsible AI development and the sustainable use of AI in research and innovation
Otmar Wiestler wants the next framework programme to include EU-wide efforts to take industrial leadership in new technologies. He’s also not in “fundamental opposition” to military dual use research calls in Horizon Europe’s successor
COVID-19 put technology-assisted learning at the centre of education. Now AI is driving the revolution further. This promises significant benefits, but it is essential to take a nuanced approach to the risks and benefits of the use of these new tools
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