In the rush for European AI patents, Bosch is leading a successful German pack

25 Jun 2024 | News

Germany is the home to most applicants for AI patents at the European Patent Office, followed by the UK and France

Photo credits: IuriiMotov / BigStock

Bosch is the most active applicant for AI patents in Europe by some margin, according to European Patent Office data. The company has filed more than 102 applications in the fields of deep learning, fuzzy logic and machine learning in the past two years, a Science|Business analysis of the data has shown

Meanwhile, DeepMind Technologies has filed 51 applications, followed by Siemens with 38. Dutch electronics company Philips and Finland’s Nokia follow behind in the list of the top five companies that are most active in Europe.

In total, EU applicants have submitted 2,928 AI patent applications over the last two years. German companies submitted 739 applications, the UK 622, and France 426 with the Netherlands and Switzerland…